As a dedicated UI UX designer and team member of BAMKO, I created the BAMKO Swag (A Custom Deck Creation Platform), revolutionizing the manual presentation creation process. Seamlessly integrating with multiple BAMKO products and third-party APIs, it facilitates effortless order creation alongside dynamic presentation generation.

Research & Discovery

  1. User Interviews
  2. Conducted interviews with users, including BAMKO executives, marketing managers, sales representatives, deck designers, ops team and clients to understand their pain points, goals, and requirements.

  3. User Research
  4. Analyzed user personas, including BAMKO administrators, marketing coordinators, sales representatives, deck designers, ops team and clients, to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points in the deck creation process.

  5. Competitive Analysis
  6. Researched competitors’ platforms and industry best practices to identify opportunities for differentiation and improvement.


  1. Balancing Complexity
  2. Incorporating a wide range of customization options while maintaining simplicity and usability posed a challenge. Iterative testing and feedback helped refine the interface to ensure a balance between flexibility and ease of use.

    • Solution: Prioritized essential features and simplified complex workflows to streamline the deck creation process without sacrificing customization options.

  3. Managing Collaboration
  4. Facilitating effective collaboration between BAMKO users and clients required implementing robust communication features. Iterative improvements were made based on feedback to enhance collaboration and streamline feedback loops.

    • Solution: Prioritized essential features and simplified complex workflows to streamline the deck creation process without sacrificing customization options.

  5. Integration Complexity
  6. Integrating the platform with BAMKO’s existing systems, such as CRM and order management, presented technical challenges. Close collaboration with development teams and rigorous testing ensured seamless integration and data synchronization.

    • Solution: Adopted an API-first approach to facilitate seamless integration with BAMKO’s CRM and other backend systems, ensuring data consistency and reliability across the platform.

Building empathy

Leveraging both quantitative and qualitative data from interviews, we formulated four distinct target group profiles: BAMKO User (Admin), BAMKO User (Standard), (B2B Client), (B2C Customer). This approach allows for a deeper understanding of main user groups, facilitating the prioritization of goals aligned with their specific needs.

Design Process

  1. Wireframing & Prototyping
  2. Created wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize the platform’s structure and user flow. Iterative prototyping enabled rapid exploration of design ideas and validation of key features.

  3. Visual Design
  4. Applied branding guidelines and visual design principles to create a visually appealing interface, incorporating elements such as color schemes, typography, and iconography. User feedback guided refinements to the visual design to enhance usability and aesthetics.

    bamko-swag-Ui bamko-swag-Ui

Key Features & Functionality

  1. Intuitive Deck Builder Interface
  2. Designed an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for assembling custom decks, allowing users to easily add products, customize details, and arrange content.

  3. Product Customization Options
  4. Implemented customizable product templates with options for adding descriptions, pricing details, decoration methods, and client branding elements.

  5. Collaboration Tools
  6. Integrated communication features such as comments, feedback, and version tracking to facilitate collaboration between BAMKO users and clients during the deck creation process.

  7. Order Management
  8. Designed a streamlined order management system with transparent pricing, bulk ordering options, and order tracking functionality to ensure seamless conversion from deck creation to order placement.


  1. User-Centric Approach
  2. Prioritizing user needs and feedback throughout the design process was critical to creating a platform that met the diverse needs of BAMKO users and clients.

  3. Iterative Design Process
  4. Embracing an iterative design process enabled rapid exploration of ideas and continuous refinement based on user feedback, resulting in a more robust and user-friendly platform.

  5. Collaborative Communication
  6. Effective communication and collaboration between cross-functional teams were essential for addressing challenges and driving the project forward. Regular meetings, feedback sessions, and documentation helped keep everyone aligned and informed.

Results & Impact

  1. Improved Efficiency
  2. The BAMKO Custom Deck Creation Platform streamlined the deck creation process, saving time and resources for BAMKO users and clients.

  3. Enhanced Collaboration
  4. Integrated collaboration tools fostered communication and feedback exchange between BAMKO users and clients, leading to smoother project workflows and improved client satisfaction.

  5. Positive Feedback
  6. Stakeholders and users provided positive feedback on the platform’s usability, functionality, and visual appeal, validating the success of the design process.

  7. Business Growth
  8. The platform contributed to BAMKO’s business growth by enhancing client engagement, streamlining operations, and differentiating BAMKO from competitors in the industry.


Working on the BAMKO Custom Deck Creation Platform was a rewarding experience as a UI/UX designer. By leveraging user-centered design principles, iterative prototyping, and collaborative feedback, I was able to create a platform that not only met the needs of BAMKO users and clients but also contributed to the company’s success in the promotional products industry.